Anyone with a television set has no doubt experienced the following scenario at some point in their life: You’re sitting on your couch, watching your favorite movie or TV show, and then the commercials suddenly start. Your drink is already topped off and you don’t need any more snacks, so you sit right where you are and wait for The Big Bang Theory (probably) to come back on. Suddenly, one commercial in particular streaks across your screen, you see the face of a company’s current campaign, and you say to yourself, “Oh hey, look! It’s that guy (or girl)!” Then your show comes back on and you forget about it, but those familiar faces from TV commercials stick in the back of your head.
Well we’re here to tell you that some people DON’T just forget about it — people like us. We’ve actually gone to the trouble of identifying some TV commercial stars. Who these hardworking familiar faces from TV commercials are in real life, and where you’ve seen them before, may just surprise you.